Workshops with R&F Instructors
R&F Artist Instructor Bettina Egli Sennhauser
Looking for an opportunity to study? There are loads of workshops coming up taught by knowledgable R&F-affiliated instructors. Check out the line up below and see if something works for you!
You can also use the link below to visit our Resources page and download our Teaching Artist List. This is a list we maintain of artists who teach with our materials across the country and internationally. Use it to find a workshop instructor in your area.
1/9: Basically: The Very Basics Encaustics Demonstration with Lorraine Glessner, live virtual demonstration
1/10 - 2/7: Contemplative Practices in Art with Lisa Pressman and Susan Stover, virtual online workshop
1/12: Introduction to Encaustic with Jodi Reeb, Minneapolis, MN
R&F Core Instructor Julie Snidle
1/12 - 1/14: Encaustic: Color + Composition with Dietlind Vander Schaaf and Kelly Milukas, Kelly Milukas' Studio, Tiverton, RI
1/13: Abstract Encaustic Painting with Denise Richards, Flowing Lake Studios, Snohomish, WA
1/15 - 2/12: Refine Transformations: A Master Encaustic Workshop with Jeff Hirst, virtual online workshop
1/16 - 4/2: Mark-Making as Practice with Lorraine Glessner, live Zoom workshop
1/16 - 3/26: Focus: Studio and Professional Practices with Lisa Pressman and Susan Stover, virtual online workshop
R&F Artist Instructor Denise Richards
1/18 - 1/20: Discovering Oil and Cold Wax with Julie Snidle, Paint Space NOLA, New Orleans, LA
1/19: Think Tank: Encaustic Workshop with Jeff Hirst, Chicago, IL
R&F Core Instructor Leslie Giuliani
1/20 - 1/21: 2 Day Introduction to Encaustic with Megan MacDonald, Crows Nest Studio, Kelowna, British Columbia
1/22 - 1/24: Cold Wax: Less Is More with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Kunstschule Musebrink, Essen, Germany
1/31: Drawing with Horse Hair in Encaustic with Lorraine Glessner, virtual self-guided workshop
2/3 - 2/4: Abstract Encaustic Painting with Denise Richards, Picket Fence Art Studio, Woodinville, WA
R&F Artist Instructor Lorraine Glessner
2/3 - 2/4: Sexy Valentine's Photo-Encaustic and Mixed Media with Kelly Williams, Kelly Williams' Studio, Portland, OR
2/9 - 2/11: Monotype Printing: Painterly Prints with Jeff Hirst, McColl Center, Charlotte, NC
2/10: Heart of My Heart Encaustic Workshop with Megan MacDonald, Crows Nest Studio, Kelowna, British Columbia
2/14 - 2/18: Encaustic: Abstract Expression with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Art Academy Fabrik am See, Gaienhofen, Germany
2/16 - 2/18: Silkscreen onto Encaustic with Jeff Hirst, Jeff Hirst Studio, Chicago, IL
2/22 - 2/24: Encaustic on Paper with Julie Snidle, Forstall Art Center, Birmingham, AL
R&F Artist Instructor Kelly Milukas
R&F Artist Instructor Kelly Williams
3/2 - 3/3: Island Art Association 2 Day Workshop with Shelley Jean, Fernandina Beach, FL
3/2 - 3/3: Encaustic Essentials with Kelly Williams, Kelly Williams' Studio, Portland, OR
3/4 - 3/8: The Moody Blues: Instant Indigo & Encaustic with Lorraine Glessner, Aya Fiber Studio, Stuart, FL
3/8 - 3/10: Cold Wax: Less Is More with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Kunstfreiraum, Oberwil, Switzerland
3/15: Introduction to Encaustic with Jodi Reeb, Minneapolis, MN
R&F Artist Instructor Megan MacDonald
R&F Core Instructor Jeff Hirst
3/15 - 3/17: The Shape of Painting with Susan Stover, Susan Stover Studio, Kingston, NY
3/19 - 3/22: One Hundred Works in Four Days with Lisa Pressman, Guanajuato, Mexico
3/20 - 3/22: Encaustic Printmaking Without A Press with Leslie Giuliani, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT
3/21 - 4/25: Encaustic & Mixed Media: A Little Bit Of Everything with Kelly Austin Rolo, Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO
3/30 - 3/31: Encaustic with Photo Collage with Jodi Reeb, Tubac School of Fine Art, Tubac, AZ
R&F Artist Instructor Joanna Kidney
R&F Artist Instructor Kelly Austin Rolo
4/4 - 4/8: Express Your Visual Voice Through Printmaking with Jeff Hirst, Estudio Piramidal, Guanajuato, Mexico
4/5 - 4/7: Explore + Experiment with Megan MacDonald, Crows Nest Studio, Kelowna, British Columbia
4/5 - 4/13: Encaustic & Abstraction with Joanna Kidney, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ballycastle, Ireland
4/8 - 4/10: Cold Wax: Less Is More with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Art Academy Kunstfabrik, Vienna, Austria
4/10: Mixed Media Mark-Making Mastery with Lorraine Glessner, virtual self-guided course
R&F Core Instructor Lisa Pressman and R&F Artist Instructor Susan Stover
R&F Artist Instructor Shelley Jean
4/11 - 4/15: Encaustic: Abstract Expression with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Art Academy Kunstfabrik, Vienna, Austria
4/12: Encaustic with Photo Collage with Jodi Reeb, Minneapolis, MN
4/12 - 4/16: Finding Your Voice: Oil and Cold Wax with Lisa Pressman, Sedona Arts Center
4/18 - 4/20: Alternative Materials Printmaking: Carborundum Viscosity Printing, Chine Colle & Found Materials with Jeff Hirst, Asheville Studio, Asheville, NC
4/19 - 4/21: Embodiment: Psychological Self-Portrait with Kelly Williams, Kelly Williams' Studio, Portland, OR
4/22 - 5/2: Contemporary Encaustic in Greece: An Artist Retreat with Dietlind Vander Schaaf and Kelly Milukas, Crete, Greece
R&F Core Instructors Dietlind Vander Schaaf and Jodi Reeb