Meet The Team: Vincent Pidone
"Meet The Team" returns this week so we can introduce you to production assistant Vincent Pidone, who - coincidentally - has a selection of his work on view in Work In Progress: The Gallery at R&F now through the end of the year. As Production Manager Sean Sullivan notes in his eloquent introduction to Vincent’s work, Vincent is a man of “mystery, curiosity, and generosity.” We encourage you to read the full essay and check out the additional images of Vincent’s exhibition.
Please provide a brief description of what you do day to day at R&F.
Wrap paint.
How many years have you been working for R&F?
A long time.
Vincent Pidone, Untitled, 11” x 14”, Pigment Stick® monoprint on paper, 2022
What do you do outside of work? Do you have an art background or related practice?
I paint...that’s how I got here.
If someone came to visit Kingston, what's one thing you would recommend they see, do, eat, or experience?
If they were an artist, I would send them to P&T Surplus at 198 Abeel Street - just a five minute drive from R&F.
Vincent Pidone, Untitled, 11” x 14”, Pigment Stick® monoprint on paper, 2022
Vincent Pidone, Untitled, 11” x 14”, Pigment Stick® monoprint on paper, 2022
Favorite color in R&F’s color line?
Prussian Blue: it’s beautiful and it dries fast.
Vincent Pidone’s “Work in Progress’ installation at Work in Progress.
To see more of Vincent’s work, follow him on Instagram @vincentpidone.
You can also watch Vincent’s short film “Notes” from 2014, which features animation from details of small drawings done with R&F Pigment Sticks. The sound track is "Once Around" by Ray Spiegel from the album "Moksha" © Simla House.