Meet The Team: Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan, Ascension (New Mnemonics No. 1), oil on found paper, 10.25 x 6.75 in (26.03 x 17.14 cm), 2020. Image courtesy of Chris Sharp Gallery.
It’s time for another edition of "Meet The Team." This ongoing feature is our way of introducing you to the fine folks behind the scenes who make R&F possible - from the people answering the phones and scheduling workshops to the paintmakers themselves.
This week we would like to introduce you to Sean Sullivan. Sean has been with R&F for going on sixteen years. In 2022, he became co-owner of R&F. Sean is an invaluable part of our team. An incredibly talented artist in his own right, he is also one of the nicest guys around.
To see more of Sean’s work, follow him on Instagram @parade.pimlico.pearl or visit his website
Sean Sullivan, Sento, oil on found paper, 10.25 x 7 in (26 x 17.7 cm), 2021. Image courtesy of Chris Sharp Gallery.
Please provide a brief description of what you do day to day at R&F.
My day-to-day is mostly rooted in R&F operations: production, purchasing, staff, as well as creative direction.
As announced in October of 2022, after many years as a Paint Maker and Production Manager, I became one of the owners of R&F alongside Darin Seim, a reality and perspective shift I’m still processing, to be honest.
Richard Frumess (R&F’s founder) handed off a unique formulation to Darin and me. It is comprised of paint-making knowledge, passion, and a perspective that places a very high value on being an artist, on laughter, and most especially, on relationships. I am grateful to both of them and really excited to work with Darin to help imagine the future of R&F. As far as we’re concerned we have the best crew in the world and the products, well, we believe they speak for themselves.
How many years have you been working for R&F?
I started as a paint maker back in 2007 and became the Production Manager a few years later, maybe in 2010, or 2011?
Sean Sullivan, Ekphrastic Monastic, oil on found paper, 6.75 x 8 in (17.14 x 20.32 cm), 2021. Image courtesy of Chris Sharp Gallery.
What do you do outside of work? Do you have an art background or related practice?
My partner, Marie, and I have been together for 28 years, I love coming to work, but I also love going home! We have two boys, Emmett, age 11, and Hugh, age 8, and a dog named Hobbes. They keep us pretty busy. I do my best to maintain a studio practice, usually a few hours a week, after dinner, before bed kinda thing, and on the weekends mostly.
If someone came to visit Kingston, what's one thing you would recommend they see, do, eat, or experience?
I'll give you two! I would recommend eating at The Tortilla Taco Bar, followed by a walk on the new Empire State Trail.
Sean Sullivan, Epistolic epistomology, oil on Kitikata, 10.25 x 8 in (26 x 20.32 cm), 2021. Image courtesy of Chris Sharp Gallery.
Sean Sullivan, Love of Labor, oil on found paper, 10.25 x 6.75 in (26.03 x 17.14 cm), 2021. Image courtesy of Chris Sharp Gallery.
Favorite color in R&F’s color line?
Just one? That's impossible!
Current top five: Warm Pink, Veronese Green, Burnt Sienna, Turkey Umber Pale, and King's Blue. You should also see what we’re cooking up for the future, soooo exciting…