Fall Workshops with R&F Instructors
Photo credit: Kelly Milukas
Join an R&F-affiliated instructor nationally or internationally for a workshop this fall. You can learn more about each of our affiliated instructors at rfpaints.com. If none of these workshops are close to you, download our Teaching Artist list to find someone in your region.
You can also access a range of tutorials on R&F’s YouTube channel or visit Articles & Links where you will find blog posts on popular subjects ranging from how to store our Pigment Sticks® to working with transparent colors.
Image credit: Jodi Reeb
9/12 - 10/6: Encaustic & Mixed Media: A Little Bit Of Everything with Kelly Austin Rolo, Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO
9/15 - 9/21: Maine Coast Encaustic Retreat with Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Kennebunkport, ME
9/17 - 9/19: Art Object: Encaustic 3D with Susan Stover, Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock, NY
9/17 - 12/3: Mark-Making as Practice with Lorraine Glessner (virtual)
9/20: Intuitive Encaustic Painting and Studio Time with Jodi Reeb, Carriage House at Casket Arts, 1720 NE Madison Street #304, Minneapolis, MN
9/23 - 29: Bold Territory: Experimental Drawing with Jeff Hirst, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland
Image credit: Kelly Williams
9/28: Heart of my Heart with Megan MacDonald, Megan MacDonald Studio, Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
9/28 - 9/29: Everything Encaustic with Shelley Jean, Island Art Association, Fernandina Beach, Florida
10/2 - 10/7: Oil and Cold Wax: A Focus On Color with Lisa Pressman, Red Thread Art Retreats, Blue Mountain Retreat Center, Knoxville, MD
10/2 - 10/6: Encaustic Embellishment Extravaganza with Lorraine Glessner, Snow Farm, Williamsburg, MA
10/5: Encaustic Monotype with Kelly Austin Rolo, Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO
10/12: Abstract Encaustic Painting with Denise Richards, Flowing Lake Studios, Snohomish WA
10/13 - 10/19: Opulent Encaustic, Fresco, and Pastel with Kelly Milukas and Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Tiverton, RI
10/13 - 10/19: Italian Encaustic Journey Fall Retreat with Shelley Jean, Buonconvento, Italy
10/18 - 10/19: Color, Light & Layers: Encaustic with Lorraine Glessner, Chester County Art Association, West Chester, PA
10/18: Intuitive Encaustic Painting and Studio Time with Jodi Reeb, Carriage House at Casket Arts, 1720 NE Madison Street #304, Minneapolis, MN
10/19 - 10/20: Gilded Frame & Encaustic Painting with Leslie Giuliani, Guilford Art Center, Guilford, CT
Image credit: Leslie Giuliani
11/9: Encaustic Monotype with Kelly Austin Rolo, Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO
11/5 - 11/6: The Fundamentals of Encaustic Painting with Joanna Kidney, The Studio, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
11/9 - 11/10: Encaustic Experimental: How to incorporate location specific materials into your work IRELAND Edition with Kelly Williams, Kelly Williams Art Studio, Portland, Oregon
Image credit: Joanna Kidney
11/9: Abstract Encaustic Painting with Denise Richards, Flowing Lake Studios, Snohomish WA
11/9 - 11/10: Going Deeper with Encaustic Paint with Joanna Kidney, The Studio, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
11/9 - 11/10: Scaling Up: Next Level Encaustic with Dietlind Vander Schaaf, Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock, NY
11/11 - 12/9: Luminosity: Exploring Encaustic Color with Jeff Hirst (virtual)
11/15 - 11/16: Encaustic and Paper with Julie Snidle, Forstall Art Center, Birmingham, AL
11/23 - 11/24: Intro to Encaustic and Collage with Leslie Giuliani, Woodstock School of Art
11/29: Think Tank: Encaustic Workshop with Jeff Hirst, Hirst Studio, Chicago, IL
12/5 - 12/8: Encaustic - Abstract with Bettina Egli Sennhauser, Studio Kunstfreiraum, Basel, Switzerland
12/6: Intuitive Encaustic Painting and Studio Time with Jodi Reeb, Carriage House at Casket Arts, 1720 NE Madison Street #304, Minneapolis, MN
12/7 - 12/8: Encaustic Essentials Workshop with Kelly Williams, Kelly Williams Art Studio, Portland, Oregon
12/14: Abstract Encaustic Painting with Denise Richards, Flowing Lake Studios, Snohomish WA