Complex Earth Colors

Sometimes it's good to be complex. This is especially true for our "complex earth" colors - an R&F Handmade Paints term to describe our color mixes which blend natural earth pigments (which often have strong undertones) such as Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, and Burnt Umber with transparent pigments (that tend to have strong top tones).

Our paint line has ten complex earth colors; Blue Ochre, Courbet Green, Green Earth, Indigo, Magenta Earth, Olive Yellow, Payne's Grey, Sap Green, Turkey Red, and Turkey Umber Greenish.

The beauty in their "complexity" can be seen as these color mixes are drawn down with a scumble technique. As you begin to "thin" these colors down, the undertones of the earth pigment come to life. Payne's Grey is a terrific color to try this with in your own studio. Apply a thick layer of paint to a canvas pad, and wearing gloves, draw the color down applying pressure. You'll see the warmth of the natural earth pigment come to play, as the Ultramarine Blue and Quinacradone pigments found in this color mix, begin to recede.


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