Articles & Links Webpage + Virtual Demos
Here at R&F we’ve been busy this past year building helpful content for our followers, everything from articles on working with our paint lines to demo videos designed to inspire and educate. To enable you to access this information more easily we recently added a new resource.
Hop on over to Articles & Links (located under the More tab in our menu) to find links to all of our blog posts including our popular “Ask Richard” series, our “From The Collection” posts highlighting R&F’s permanent collection, our featured artists, and much more. You will also find downloadable pdfs on subjects such as encaustic gesso, safe working temperatures, and ventilation, in addition to our color charts and Basic Encaustic Manual.
All of this content has been organized in a way to allow you to access it easily and quickly. We hope this benefits your artistic practice and serves as a tool for teachers to share with their students. As always, if you have questions for Richard or a demo video you’d be interested in seeing us make, give us a shout! We love hearing from you.
Image credit: Jesika Theos
We will be offering two more virtual demos in April!
Our February demos were wildly popular, but we know some of you couldn’t make them. Join us on April 10 from 11am to 12pm EST for a Zoom demo to learn more about working with R&F Pigment Sticks® and on April 17th from 11am to 12pm EST for a Zoom demo on encaustic painting.
Both demos are free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Visit our Virtual Demos webpage to register.