Artist Spotlight: Jane Allen Nodine

Detail from Jane’s painting Terra.23-C19, which was featured on the July 2020 cover of Carolina Arts magazine.

Detail from Jane’s painting Terra.23-C19, which was featured on the July 2020 cover of Carolina Arts magazine.

We've been lucky to know Jane Allen Nodine for many years. Jane is University Gallery Director and Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of South Carolina Upstate where she served as head of the art program for over twenty years. Prior to joining the University she owned and operated a full-service jewelry design and manufacturing company. Jane has worked in a variety of media throughout her career and she exhibits widely in the US and Europe. 

Her work simultaneously feels fresh and has an almost archaic quality. The waxy surface reminds of us of the oxidizing processes metals undergo over the ages. Her encaustic monotypes also share a similar aesthetic but dive deeper into what might be happening at the microscopic level. We truly enjoy staying up to date with her evolving use of encaustic, seeing her metalwork, and following her contributions to arts education.


We were recently in conversation with Jane and were reminded of how the friendship began.

"I came to R&F in about 2007, via a demonstration event at the College Art Association (CAA) conference I attended at Vanderbilt University. I had known about encaustic from a historical point but had not used it. I was really drawn to the technical working properties as well as the visual results. That was the beginning of my journey into encaustic. I worked on my own for a while, and then in 2008 or ‘09, I enrolled in a teacher's workshop taught at R&F in Kingston. It was a marvelous week of hands-on study and I met friends that I still keep in touch with today.

Over the years I have used various products and brands of encaustic, but my results with R&F materials, technical information, and personal interaction with staff have proven to be highly successful and supportive. I feel R&F are not just colleagues but also friends."

To see more of Jane’s work, visit her website:


Encaustic Technique: Working With Ink


Encaustic Technique: Gluing Paper to Panel