R&F Pigment Sticks® are pure oil paint without filler, additives, or driers. Eliminating the need for solvents also makes using our Pigment Stick® safer. Some Pigment Sticks® contain pigments that are carcinogenic upon ingestion (breathing, eating, absorption through abrasions on skin). These pigments include: cadmiums, cobalts, and chromium oxides.

Linseed oil is a key component to Pigment Sticks®. Rags and materials soaked with linseed oil and solvents may smolder while drying. Using a metal waste can with a lid will reduce the risk of fire by smothering any potential flames. Pour water on trash and take it out regularly to lower the chance of fire.

Although pigment particles are too large to be absorbed through the pores in the skin, pigment can be absorbed through any abrasions on the skin. It is recommended that you use a barrier cream or gloves when working with Pigment Sticks®.

Do not eat, smoke, drink, or hold painting brushes and tools in your mouth while painting. Always wash your hands before doing any of these things if you have been working with Pigment Sticks®. Ventilation is not necessary unless solvents are being used with Pigment Sticks®. Many times oils can replace solvents for cleaning and for mediums. We also recommend separated your studio space from living space to reduce long–term exposure to toxic artists materials.

Pigment Sticks US SDS